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installتثبيت تسبيحنا (20 ميجا)

عرض الترانيم والكتاب المقدس

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      إضافة ترنيمة
      2 سطر فارغ = شريحة جديدة
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      بدء العرض
      اضف لقائمة التحضير

      كلمات ترنيمة : hark the herald angels sing

      Hark the herald angels sing
      Glory to the new-born King

      Peace on earth and mercy mild
      God and sinners reconciled

      Joyful, all ye nations, rise
      Join the triumph of the skies

      With the angelic host proclaim
      Christ is born in Bethlehem

      Hark the herald angels sing
      Glory to the new-born King

      Christ, by highest heaven adored
      Christ, the everlasting Lord

      Late in time behold him come
      Offspring of the Virgin's womb

      Veiled in flesh the Godhead see
      Hail the incarnate Deity

      Pleased as man with man to dwell
      Jesus, our Emmanuel

      Mild he lays his glory by
      Born that man no more may die

      Born to raise the sons of earth
      Born to give them second birth

      Risen with healing in his wings
      Light and life to all he brings

      Hail, the Sun of Righteousness
      Hail, the heaven-born Prince of Peace

      Hail the Heaven-born Prince of Peace
      Hail the Son of Righteousness

      Light and life to all He brings
      Risen with healing in His wings

      Mild He lay His glory by
      Born that man no more may die

      Come Desire of Nations come
      Fix in us thy humble home

      Rise, the woman's conquering Seed
      Bruise in us the serpent's head

      Adam's likeness now efface
      Stamp thine image in its place

      خريطة الموقع