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installتثبيت تسبيحنا (20 ميجا)

عرض الترانيم والكتاب المقدس

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      إضافة ترنيمة
      2 سطر فارغ = شريحة جديدة
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      اضف لقائمة التحضير

      كلمات ترنيمة : jesus in the morning

      Jesus, Jesus,
      Jesus in the morning,
      Jesus at the noon time;
      Jesus, Jesus,
      Jesus when the sun comes down!

      Praise Him, praise Him,
      Praise Him in the morning,
      Praise Him at the noon time;
      Praise Him, praise Him,
      Praise Him when the sun comes down!

      Love Him, love Him,
      Love Him in the morning,
      Love Him at the noon time;
      Love Him, love Him,
      Love Him when the sun comes down!

      Serve Him, serve Him,
      Serve Him in the morning,
      Serve Him at the noon time;
      Serve Him, serve Him,
      Serve Him when the sun comes down!

      Thank Him, thank Him,
      Thank Him in the morning,
      Thank Him at the noon time;
      Thank Him, thank Him,
      Thank Him when the sun comes down!

      Jesus, Jesus,
      Jesus in the morning,
      Jesus at the noon time;
      Jesus, Jesus,
      Jesus when the sun comes down!

      Jesus with us all day long!

      خريطة الموقع