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installتثبيت تسبيحنا (20 ميجا)

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      إضافة ترنيمة
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      بدء العرض
      اضف لقائمة التحضير

      كلمات ترنيمة : twas in the moon of wintertime

      'Twas in the moon of wintertime
      When all the birds had fled
      That mighty Gitchi Manitou
      Sent angel choirs instead

      Before their light the stars grew dim
      And wond'ring hunters heard the hymn:

      Jesus, your King, is born;
      Jesus is born!
      In excelsis gloria!

      Within a lodge of broken bark,
      The tender Babe was found
      A ragged robe of rabbit skin
      Enwrapped His beauty round

      And as the hunter braves drew nigh,
      The angel song rang loud and high:

      Jesus, your King, is born;
      Jesus is born!
      In excelsis gloria!

      O children of the forest free,
      O you of Manitou
      The Holy Child of earth and heav'n
      Is born today for you

      Come kneel before the radiant Boy
      Who brings you beauty, peace and joy:

      Jesus, your King, is born;
      Jesus is born!
      In excelsis gloria!

      خريطة الموقع