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installتثبيت تسبيحنا (20 ميجا)

عرض الترانيم والكتاب المقدس

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      إضافة ترنيمة
      2 سطر فارغ = شريحة جديدة
      addإضافة ترنيمة

      بدء العرض
      اضف لقائمة التحضير

      كلمات ترنيمة : what child is this

      What child is this
      Who's laid to rest
      On Mary's lap is Sleeping

      Whom angels greet with anthems sweet
      While shepherd's watch are keeping

      This this is Christ the King
      Whom shepherds guard and angels sing

      Haste haste
      To bring him, Lord
      The babe, the son of Mary

      Why lies He in such mean estate
      Where ox and ass are feeding

      Good Christians, fear, for sinners here
      The silent Word is pleading

      Nails, spear shall pierce Him through
      The cross be borne for me, for you

      Hail, hail the Word made flesh
      The Babe, the Son of Mary

      So bring Him incense, gold and myrrh
      Come peasant, king to own Him

      The King of kings salvation brings
      Let loving heart enthrone Him

      Raise, raise a song on high
      The virgin sings her lullaby

      Joy, joy for Christ is born
      The Babe, the Son of Mary

      خريطة الموقع